EFI - Enzyme Similarity Tool

This web resource is supported by a Research Resource from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (R24GM141196-01).
The tools are available without charge or license to both academic and commercial users.
RadicalSAM.org, our resource for investigating sequence-function space in the radical SAM superfamily, has been updated with sequences from the UniProt Release 2024_01 and InterPro Release 98 databases (January 24, 2024) !!


EFI-EST and Cytoscape Tutorials

Node Attributes

A major advantage of sequence similarity networks is the ability to include pertinent information for each individual protein (such as species, annotation, length, PDB deposition, etc.). This information is included as “Node Attributes” which are searchable and sortable within the data panel in a sequence similarity network displayed in Cytoscape (see Figure 3 here).

Also notice that if you right click (control+click on Mac) on any node in a network open in Cytoscape, you will get a sub-menu to carry out node-specific actions or access external links via LinkOut, such as to UniProtKB.

Note that the EFI-EST web server uses data available in the UniProtKB database to populate node attribute fields. Therefore, only information that is stored in UniProtKB is included in EFI-EST networks. Additional node attributes can be added within Cytoscape by using the BridgeDB add-on. Adding your own node attributes is useful for mapping annotations or other information that you have at hand, which is otherwise not available in UniProtKB.

An introduction on how to use Cytoscape can be found here.

Difference node attributes are available for the various EFI-EST options:

Node Attributes for EFI-EST Options A-D

Node Attribute Description - Options A, B, C with FASTA header reading, D
Name Full network - UniProt accession; Rep Node network - UniProt accession for the longest sequence in the representative node (seed sequence for CD-Hit)
Shared name Full network - UniProt accession; Rep Node network - UniProt accession for the longest sequence in the representative node (seed sequence for CD-Hit)
Number of IDs in Rep Node1 Number of UniProt IDs in the representative node
List of IDs in Rep Node1 List of UniProt IDs in the representative node
Sequence Source Options B, C, and D, “USER” if from user-supplied file, “FAMILY” if from user-specified Pfam/InterPro family, “USER+FAMILY” if from both
Query IDs Options C and D, Input Query ID(s) that identified a UniProt match in the idmapping file
Other IDs Option C, headers for FASTA sequences that could not identify a UniProt match in the idmapping file
Cluster Number Number assigned to cluster, in order of decreasing number of sequences in the clusters (“999999” for singletons)
Cluster Sequence Count Number of sequences in the cluster
Node.fillColor Unique color assigned to cluster, in hexadecimal
Organism organism genus/genera and species, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Taxonomy ID NCBI taxonomy identifier(s), from UniProt
UniProt Annotation Stastus SwissProt - manually annotated; TrEMBL - automatically annotated; from UniProt
Description protein name(s)/annotation(s), from UniProtKB
SwissProt Description protein name(s)/annotation(s), from UniProtKB for SwissProt reviewed entries
Sequence Length number(s) of amino acid residues, from UniProt
Gene name gene name(s)
NCBI IDs RefSeq/GenBank IDs and GI numbers, from UniProt idmapping
Superkingdom domain of life of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Kingdom kingdom of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Phylum Phylogenetic phylum of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Class Phylogenetic class of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Order Phylogenetic order of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Family Phylogenetic family of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Genus Phylogenetic genus of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Species Phylogenetic species of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
EC EC number, from UniProt
PFAM Pfam family, from UniProt
IPRO InterPro family, from UniProt
PDB Protein Data Bank entry, from UniProt
BRENDA ID BRENDA Database ID, from UniProt
CAZY Name Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes (CAZy) family name(s), from UniProt
GO Term Gene Ontology classification(s), from UniProt
KEGG ID KEGG Database ID, from UniProt
PATRIC ID PATRIC Database ID, from UniProt
STRING ID STRING Database ID, from UniProt
HMP Body Site location(s) of organism(s) in/on the body, if human microbiome organism, spreadsheet from HMP
HMP Oxygen oxygen requirement(s), if human microbiome organism, spreadsheet from HMP
P01 gDNA availability of gDNA(s) at EFI Protein Core, custom
1 - These attributes are present only in Rep Node Networks

Node Attributes for EFI-EST Color SSN Utility

Node Attribute Description - Options A, B, C with FASTA header reading, D
Name Full network - UniProt accession; Rep Node network - UniProt accession for the longest sequence in the representative node (seed sequence for CD-Hit)
Shared name Full network - UniProt accession; Rep Node network - UniProt accession for the longest sequence in the representative node (seed sequence for CD-Hit)
Number of IDs in Rep Node1 Number of UniProt IDs in the representative node
List of IDs in Rep Node1 List of UniProt IDs in the representative node
Sequence Source Options B, C, and D, “USER” if from user-supplied file, “FAMILY” if from user-specified Pfam/InterPro family, “USER+FAMILY” if from both
Query IDs Options C and D, Input Query ID(s) that identified a UniProt match in the idmapping file
Other IDs Option C, headers for FASTA sequences that could not identify a UniProt match in the idmapping file
Cluster Number Number assigned to cluster, in order of decreasing number of sequences in the clusters (“999999” for singletons)
Cluster Sequence Count Number of sequences in the cluster
Node.fillColor Unique color assigned to cluster, in hexadecimal
Organism organism genus/genera and species, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Taxonomy ID NCBI taxonomy identifier(s), from UniProt
UniProt Annotation Stastus SwissProt - manually annotated; TrEMBL - automatically annotated; from UniProt
Description protein name(s)/annotation(s), from UniProtKB
SwissProt Description protein name(s)/annotation(s), from UniProtKB for SwissProt reviewed entries
Sequence Length number(s) of amino acid residues, from UniProt
Gene name gene name(s)
NCBI IDs RefSeq/GenBank IDs and GI numbers, from UniProt idmapping
Superkingdom domain of life of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Kingdom kingdom of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Phylum Phylogenetic phylum of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Class Phylogenetic class of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Order Phylogenetic order of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Family Phylogenetic family of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Genus Phylogenetic genus of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
Species Phylogenetic species of the organism, from UniProt taxonomy.xml
EC EC number, from UniProt
PFAM Pfam family, from UniProt
IPRO InterPro family, from UniProt
PDB Protein Data Bank entry, from UniProt
BRENDA ID BRENDA Database ID, from UniProt
CAZY Name Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes (CAZy) family name(s), from UniProt
GO Term Gene Ontology classification(s), from UniProt
KEGG ID KEGG Database ID, from UniProt
PATRIC ID PATRIC Database ID, from UniProt
STRING ID STRING Database ID, from UniProt
HMP Body Site location(s) of organism(s) in/on the body, if human microbiome organism, spreadsheet from HMP
HMP Oxygen oxygen requirement(s), if human microbiome organism, spreadsheet from HMP
P01 gDNA availability of gDNA(s) at EFI Protein Core, custom
1 - These attributes are present only in Rep Node Networks

Node Attributes for EFI-EST Option C and Color SSN Utility without FASTA header reading

Node Attribute Description - Option C without FASTA header reading
Name zzznnn, where nnn = number of the sequence in FASTA file
Shared Name zzznnn, where nnn = number of the sequence in FASTA file
Description FASTA Header
Sequence Length Length of sequence in FASTA entry


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